This morning I went to one of the most peaceful, beautiful and pristine places in my dear Manila: the Manila American cemetery and memorial. The weather was particularly cooperative. No sun, no rain.
I love how the only sounds you'll hear while there are:
1. Bells
2. Birds
3. Leaves and grass
4. Aircraft
It rained when I left.
17 December 2011
Top Shelf
I guess in every story there are three main points of consideration: character, event, and how the former engages with the latter. Various p...
Everyday view from the kitchen window You read your horoscope and think it can apply to literally anyone in the world. Then you go deeper ...
Mabining Mandirigma adopts the most superficial element of steampunk, that is Victorian-futurism aesthetic, as seen in the costumes, set de...
My elementary life was a period in history I’d rather not go back to and attending the press launch of Annie the Musical at Resorts World Ma...
My one and only niece turns eight today and as part of her gift, I wrote her a riddle: An 8-Line Riddle for Your 8th I have no feet, I ha...
The Cup An object that cannot speak is spoken for by the collector. Each night before sleep he wipes the glass shelf that keeps the old c...
I'm making a Steve Jobs Zuckerberg billionaire tech people move. I'll stop worrying about the facade (the way they don't worry ...
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My seven-year old niece has just learned to play Truth or Dare, which is a cool way of knowing what goes on in her mind. She's been tau...
If my parents died, I would be stressed out by the inconveniences. Another part of me would feel relief. But a stronger thought I have is th...